kunzite / ˈkʊnts aɪt /


kunzite 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a transparent lilac-colored variety of spodumene, used as a gem.


  1. It is now on the market as kunzite, and a cut stone of one karat in weight sells for fifty dollars and more.
  2. Kunzite becomes strongly phosphorescent under the Rntgen rays, or by the action of radium or on exposure to ultra-violet rays.
  3. After quartz come corundum (Oriental amethyst), spinel (almandine spinel), garnet (almandine), and spodumene (variety kunzite).
  4. Purple spodumene (kunzite) is pinkish to lilac in shade—usually pale, unless in large masses, and it shows very marked dichroism.
  5. Spodumene, of which Kunzite is a variety, cleaves almost too easily to be durable.