kore / ˈkɔr i, ˈkoʊr i; ˈkɔr eɪ, ˈkoʊr eɪ /


kore 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ko·rai [kawr-ahy, kohr-ahy]. /ˈkɔr aɪ, ˈkoʊr aɪ/.

  1. Greek Antiquity. a sculptured representation of a young woman, especially one produced prior to the 5th century b.c.
  2. Also Core, Cora.Classical Mythology. Persephone, especially as a symbol of virginity.


  1. We rode slowly up to the Kore-la, left our old road to the right, and camped at Kung-muga.
  2. This "kore" is longer than the ordinary sleeve, so long in fact that a man with his hand inside is rendered helpless.
  3. This was the precursor to our arrival at Kore, the most important naval station in Japan.
  4. The second passage in which the word kore is found occurs in Jer.
  5. But he escaped, and the Swiss congratulated each other heartily (kore).