koku / ˈkoʊ ku; Japanese ˈkɔ kʊ /


koku 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ko·ku.

  1. a Japanese unit of dry measure equivalent to 5.12 bushels.


  1. A feeling of tremendous relief swept over young Swift as he discovered his precious green disk in Koku's left hand.
  2. "Don't lie to me, unless you want to be mussed up some more," said Tom grimly, glancing at Koku.
  3. Clutching the rolling pin as a "war-club," Koku started through the darkness toward Tom's private laboratory.
  4. The desk sergeant verified what Koku had said and asked the young scientist to come down and prefer charges.
  5. These, again, are subdivided into eighty-five provinces (koku or kumi).