knee-socks / ˈniˌsɒks /


knee-socks 的定义

n. 名词(复数) plural noun
  1. socks reaching to just below the knees.


  1. Do you think of power suits for men and knee-covering skirts for women?
  2. Melchior is the forerunner of the aunt who always gave me socks.
  3. I got a chance to see this man in his office and present him with these socks.
  4. Nagrani started out selling socks with designs ranging from a shirt on Magnum, P.I. to Winston Churchill.
  5. He derived enormous satisfaction from some customers choosing to base the rest of their wardrobe around his socks.
  6. That his friend had withdrawn, was a pledge of his pacific wishes; and, with a lightened countenance, Louis rose from his knee.
  7. To drop on one knee and level his piece was the work of an instant, but unfortunately he snapped a dry twig in doing so.
  8. Her left knee was supported on pillows, and the bed-clothes were raised away from it, for it could tolerate no weight whatever.
  9. With a low moan her head sunk upon the old man's knee, and she shook and trembled with violent emotion.
  10. As the expression, "every knee shall bow to me," cannot be confined to that alone, so neither can that which immediately follows.