knee-deep / ˈniˈdip /


knee-deep 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. reaching the knees: knee-deep mud.
  2. submerged or covered up to the knees: knee-deep in water.
  3. deeply embroiled; enmeshed; involved: knee-deep in trouble.


  1. Deep, situational, and emotional jokes based on what is relevant and has a POINT!
  2. The lascivious sex predator is out; the deep-pocketed caped crusader is most definitely in.
  3. Fumbleroooohski…'” (39) “'Look at me, ungh, splitting my own seam, oohh… going deep.
  4. There was deep brown flesh, and bronze flesh, and pallid white flesh, and flesh turned red from the hot sun.
  5. As he drove me back to the logging road, Frank told me about the area in his deep voice.
  6. He remembered something—the cherished pose of being a man plunged fathoms-deep in business.
  7. At present, Louis was too self-absorbed by the struggles within him, to look deep into what was passing around him.
  8. It succeeds best in a deep rich loam in a climate ranging from forty to fifty degrees of latitude.
  9. And then what could be more deep and poetic than Liszt's transcriptions of Schubert's and Wagner's songs?
  10. The next moment a pistol was fired at their head, and a deep groan shewed it had taken too true an aim.