kitchenmaid / ˈkɪtʃ ənˌmeɪd /


kitchenmaid 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a female servant who assists the cook.


  1. Now the kitchenmaid and cooklet come, to make all ready for his highness the head cook!
  2. Cook, Kitchenmaid and Cooklet bustle about, putting cooking things away from table, leaving only pie.
  3. On instituting this inquiry, it turned out that the last person who had set eyes on Rosanna was Nancy, the kitchenmaid.
  4. But you do good works; I remember how you nursed the kitchenmaid at Groombridge.
  5. A frightened kitchenmaid peeped through the passage leading to the back of the house when the door opened to admit the truant.