kist / kɪst /


kist 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Scot. and North England.

  1. a coffer; a money chest.
  2. any chestlike container; a box, trunk, or basket.
  3. a coffin, especially a stone one; a sarcophagus.


  1. It was reached to me; I tooke it and embraced it in mine arms, and with teares in my eyes kist the Pommel of it.
  2. Theyr bodyes, bathed in purple gore, They bare with them away: They kist them dead a thousand times, Ere they were cladd in clay.
  3. And twentye times, with watery eyes, He kist her tender cheeke, Untill he had revivde againe Her senses milde and meeke.
  4. And how every where you are fawn'd upon, imbrac'd and kist, receiving all manner of friendship!
  5. "Here it is," said Cleve, pausing before the recess in which this antique kist is placed.