kish / kɪʃ /


kish 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a mixture of graphite and slag separated from and floating on the surface of molten pig iron or cast iron as it cools.
  2. dross on the surface of molten lead.


  1. “I was eating, sleeping and, excuse me, peeing in the same place,” al Kish says with a look of shame.
  2. Al Kish, 32, was kept as a prisoner in the building for 11 months in 2003.
  3. A very fast piece of close reaching was done between the Kish and the Rosebeg, then came a dead peg across the Bay.
  4. In a hard squall the second round commenced, and through a backing of the wind they had a run with spinnakers to the Kish.
  5. Of this barony, the mountain called Ceis or Kish-Corran, is the most striking geographical feature.
  6. He was encamped with his tribe at a place which the Indians called Kish-wa-cokee.
  7. Asses were being sought by Saul, the son of Kish, when he found a kingdom of subjects instead.