kingfisher / ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃ ər /


kingfisher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of numerous fish- or insect-eating birds of the family Alcedinidae that have a large head and a long, stout bill and are usually crested and brilliantly colored.


  1. For The Kingfisher River Bank, Potter killed a whole family of kingfishers (and seized seven of their eggs).
  2. As well as about the Vale ponds, the Kingfisher breeds in holes in the rocks all round the Island.
  3. As I was stooping down, hidden by a rock, I saw a kingfisher slowly floating toward the beach.
  4. Though their plumage is prettily varied, still it falls far short of the brilliancy displayed by the English kingfisher.
  5. February marks the beginning of the nesting season of the handsome pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis).
  6. The nest of the pied kingfisher is a circular tunnel or burrow, more than a yard in length, excavated in a river bank.