kier / kɪər /


kier 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a large vat in which fibers, yarns, or fabrics are boiled, bleached, or dyed.


  1. Or I remember him yelling at Udo [Kier, who plays the film’s wedding planner], ‘More gay!
  2. Lately, however, it has been maintained with conviction and ability by two Danish scholars, Schtte and Kier.
  3. Of the numerous forms of kier in use, the injector kier is the one most generally adopted.
  4. In yarn-bleaching the sequence of the operations is about as follows:— Boil in kier with soda ash.
  5. After leaving the loom each piece is laid separately in the bleaching kier.
  6. The length of boil is usually about twelve hours in a low-pressure kier; in a high-pressure kier about seven hours is sufficient.