khansamah / ˈkɑn səˌmɑ /


khansamah 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Indian English.

  1. a native house steward or butler.
  2. a native male servant.


  1. The Alipur bungalow boasted a khansamah, or butler, who was able to furnish us with meals.
  2. Fancy that little featherweight saying, "O khansamah jee" to my bloodthirsty Mir Khan!
  3. If I had encouraged him the khansamah would have wandered all through Bengal with his corpse.
  4. He readily assented, remarking that his khansamah should have orders to combine culinary operations with mine.
  5. You must take your own servant and the khansamah will cook you such simple food as men expect in the wilds, and that is all.