khanate / ˈkɑ neɪt, ˈkæn eɪt /


khanate 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the area governed by a khan.


  1. Basil's reign saw the foundation of the Solovetsk monastery and the rise of the khanate of the Crimea.
  2. Then war broke out between that ruler and the Khan who ruled the Persian Khanate, and it cut off their way back.
  3. Mahomed Yakoob was born in or about the year 1820, in the flourishing little town of Piskent, in the khanate of Khokand.
  4. The length of the khanate from north to south is 200 m., and its greatest width 300 m.
  5. In Mongolia under the Chinese Government it answers to khanate.