kea / ˈkeɪ ə, ˈki ə /


kea 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a large, greenish New Zealand parrot, Nestor notabilis.


  1. Kea is a new startup giving restaurants an opportunity to upgrade one of the more old-fashioned ways that they take orders — over the phone.
  2. The old man seemed to grow moody and sullen; Kea was rather grieved and saddened.
  3. It was not till we began to chew green sugar-cane together by way of dessert, that Kea's spirits at all returned.
  4. Kea's voice sank lower than ever, and she glanced around her with a frightened little gaze.
  5. Kea pointed out to us with demonstrative finger the various floors or ledges on the inner wall.
  6. Not a living soul remained upon the spot save Frank and myself, and Kea and her uncle.