kaftan / ˈkæf tæn, -tən, kæfˈtæn /


kaftan 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a variant of caftan.


  1. For example, some Kaftan-inspired dresses with flowing silhouettes were paired with belts which cinched the waistline.
  2. His mode of life was quite that of a Polish Jew, with long fore-locks and dressed in a long kaftan with girdle.
  3. The servants who came with the message wore a red calico kaftan to the ground, with a red calico hood that looked like a domino.
  4. They followed him and touched his kaftan with their lips; they pushed their children under his hands for his blessing.
  5. It was a tall man with haik over his turban, and blue selam on top of a yellow kaftan.
  6. We were still in the alley, and I put my left hand into the neck of his kaftan and dragged him back into the saint's house.