juramentado / Spanish ˌhu rɑ mɛnˈtɑ ðɔ /


juramentado 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ju·ra·men·ta·dos [hoo-rah-men-tah-thaws]. /ˌhu rɑ mɛnˈtɑ ðɔs/.

  1. a Muslim, especially a Moro, bound by an oath to be killed fighting against Christians and other infidels.


  1. "But Americans have just as much right to go juramentado as the Moros," said the general.
  2. Murders and juramentado attacks occurred in the vicinity of Jolo.
  3. A juramentado is a man who takes an oath to die killing Christians.
  4. That night as the Americans swung along under the dome of brilliant stars, a question arose as to the meaning of juramentado.
  5. But (he threw up his hands to indicate his helplessness) who could stop the sacred juramentado?