jugum / ˈdʒu gəm /


jugum 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the posterior basal area or lobe in the forewing of certain insects, sometimes serving to couple the forewings and hind wings in flight.


  1. It was known as the taxation 'jugatione vel capitatione'the tribute or stipendium of so much for every jugum or caput.
  2. The acreage of the jugum no doubt varied very much, as did also the acreage of the yard-land.
  3. But to return, at present, to the tribute and the service due from each jugum or caput.
  4. Petilius adversus Balist et Leti jugum, quod eos montes perpetuo dorso conjungit, castra habuit.
  5. Tria juga sunt infra divisionem Hugonis, et quartum jugum est extra' (i. 13).