judicial / dʒuˈdɪʃ əl /


judicial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice: judicial proceedings; the judicial system.
  2. pertaining to courts of law or to judges; judiciary: judicial functions.
  3. of or relating to a judge; proper to the character of a judge; judgelike: judicial gravity.
  4. inclined to make or give judgments; critical; discriminating: a judicial mind.
  5. decreed, sanctioned, or enforced by a court: a judicial decision.
  6. giving or seeking judgment, as in a dispute or contest; determinative: a judicial duel over lands.
  7. inflicted by God as a judgment or punishment.

judicial 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. It was meant, he said, to localize enforcement of public health orders and create a quicker judicial process than the tools previously available.
  2. The competitions involve students learning about the law and the judicial system by playing the roles of attorneys and witnesses.
  3. In 2013, when he was Senate majority leader, Reid nuked it for non-Supreme Court judicial nominees in the face of a GOP blockade.
  4. David Wasserman, the House editor of the Cook Political Report, suggested that the time crunch could lead to more judicial intervention in this round of mapmaking.
  5. Hoffman said last year the state’s judiciary submitted a short statement opposing limits to what they perceived to be judicial discretion, but said their silence this year was noteworthy.
  6. Cairo should have listened to Amal Clooney last year when she recommended judicial reforms.
  7. Black people are tense because they are sick and tired of being subjected to what they see as a prejudiced judicial system.
  8. They can be unmade by judicial fiat, but it feels awfully cruel to do so.
  9. Since taking office, Obama has had approximately 280 federal judicial nominees confirmed.
  10. We kindly inform these little jokers with the dubious jokes that they risk judicial proceedings they may not find funny at all.
  11. To Harrison and his wife there was no distinction between the executive and judicial branches of the law.
  12. This judicial bent of the child is a curious one and often develops a priggish fondness for setting others morally straight.
  13. In the New Testament a few examples appear in which his utterances are given a quasi-judicial tone.
  14. With this object in view, he has been continually paid his salary from the judicial expenses.
  15. A judicial record was made of all of this matter, and authentic papers with the arguments of each party.