jove / dʒoʊv /


jove 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Jupiter.
  2. Archaic. the planet Jupiter.


  1. At this point, a normal, fair-minded human being would think, "Well, by jove, we've got to get out there and equal them."
  2. There are the best and the worst—all who can pay the price: the reformers cheek by jowl with the mayor and the Boss, by Jove!
  3. But I don't believe he cared particularly whether his spoon was silver or pewter, by Jove!
  4. Like an angry Jove, he hurls the thunderbolts of his fury and blasts with the lightning of his power.
  5. One can get amongst set after set of fellows, and into plenty of inane fashionable drawing-rooms; but, bai Jove!
  6. But there is a singular survival and continuity of the ancient practice: men still swear by Jove.