journalistic / ˌdʒɜr nlˈɪs tɪk /


journalistic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of journalists or journalism.


  1. There’s nothing for the Playbook crew to rue in this episode, and its brief write-up of the McCammond-Ducklo situation speaks to the glories of journalistic hustle.
  2. As the team continued talking to survivors throughout 2019, they searched for a way to do justice to those stories and share them in a way that honored the experiences of the sources while adhering to the highest journalistic standards.
  3. For many years, both companies have contributed to journalistic causes — helping newsrooms with their digital strategies, sponsoring industry events, sharing revenue and directing readership through various initiatives.
  4. Because we are a journalistic organization, we also polled for the “most overrated” CEO.
  5. When pressed as part of Wyler’s investigation, Abraham said Barrett was hoping that Google searches would no longer surface prominent reports on her pockmarked journalistic history.
  6. So combining my journalistic and more creative instincts was the way to go.
  7. But Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is clearly, at least in part, a journalistic enterprise.
  8. Some of the magazine is very well written, likely penned by someone with journalistic or public relations experience.
  9. Note this is a much stricter policy than many actual journalistic outlets have for giving to actual political campaigns.
  10. Basic journalistic equipment was paraded before the court as if cameras and microphones were subversive weapons.
  11. Nevertheless his journalistic work, like his lessons at the Conservatoire, was burdensome.
  12. No Spaniard takes the trouble to notice these remarkable productions of the fertile journalistic brain of a foreigner.
  13. For a time, too, I dropped out of the garrulous literary and journalistic circles I had frequented.
  14. It is not the title I should choose now—for since that time I have got my phrase of "mental hinterlander" into journalistic use.
  15. For a time my life centred altogether upon this journalistic work.