jewfish 的定义
plural jew·fish, jew·fish·es.
- any of several very large fishes, especially of the family Serranidae, as the giant sea bass and the groupers Epinephelus itajara and E. nigritus, found in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
- Another jewfish, a tropical species (Promicrops itaiara), growing even larger than the one named, is also found in Florida waters.
- Huge fishes like the tarpon, jewfish or tuna are sooner brought to gaff by "pumping," as it is called.
- With his stout tools and tackle he enjoys the phenomenal leaps of the tarpon, or the leviathan struggles of the jewfish.
- The jewfish he remembered had been calculated to tip the scales at two hundred and thirty pounds.
- The Philippine giant sea-bass, or jewfish, belongs to the same family as does the California species.