a four-valved artificial heart for implantation in the human body, replacing the natural heart's ventricles and attaching to its atria: air is pumped into the ventricles from an external air compressor through two connecting hoses that enter the body through the abdominal wall.
The same went for the somewhat more modern JH-7 light bomber.
In the meantime, Douglass had pulled into a lower parking lot to start an 11 p.m.-to-7 a.m. shift.
Co -7, IA -7, NH -7, WI-7, VA -5, NV -4, MI -4, FL -3, NC -3, MN -3, OH -2.
Before the magnitude-7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti, killing 220,000 people, the country was the poorest in the Americas.
At station G-7 on July 8, 41.8 per cent of the fish taken were of this species.
An atom of lithium-7 plus an atom of hydrogen-1 yields two atoms of helium-4 and plenty of energy.
I do not only use it for baby chicks, but for those5-7 weeks' of age.
Lap the ends one inch and fasten each end with tie wire.7-2 Wire always laps one inch—no more, no less.
And this bears the numbers C-14 and C-7, and is a firing-pin photograph?