iterance 的定义
iterance 近义词
等同于 repetition
iterance 的近义词 36 个
- litany
- recurrence
- reiteration
- repeat
- rhythm
- alliteration
- chant
- chorus
- copy
- echo
- encore
- iteration
- paraphrase
- periodicity
- perseveration
- practice
- reappearance
- recapitulation
- recital
- redundancy
- rehearsal
- relation
- renewal
- repetitiousness
- replication
- report
- reproduction
- restatement
- return
- rote
- tautology
- broken record
- ingemination
- iteracy
- reoccurrence
- staccato
iterance 的反义词 2 个
- The monotonous iterance of a little vesper bell somewhere in the valley, hidden by the orchard bowers, added the finishing touch.
- She had a glimpse of the significance of Nature's eternal iterance.
- Say thou dost love me, love me, love me—toll The silver iterance!
- "You keep saying the same thing with 'damnable iterance,'" we remarked.