italic / ɪˈtæl ɪk, aɪˈtæl- /


italic2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. designating or pertaining to a style of printing types in which the letters usually slope to the right, patterned upon a compact manuscript hand, and used for emphasis, to separate different kinds of information, etc.: These words are in italic type.
  2. of or relating to Italy, especially ancient Italy or its tribes.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Often italics. italic type.
  2. a branch of the Indo-European family of languages, including ancient Latin, Oscan, Umbrian, and modern Romance.

italic 近义词


等同于 typeface

italic 的近义词 6


  1. Emotions cause the brain to store memory in a stronger and more permanent fashion, set down in bold type and italics.
  2. Note that text format (bold or italic) has semantic meaning in this volume.
  3. Still another abhors dashes or colons, or quotation marks, and yet another will not have Italic type used in his work.
  4. Pervenerunt ad nos propositiones qudam Italic satis Lutheran.
  5. Quirinus, kwi-rī′nus, n. an Italic divinity identified with the deified Romulus.
  6. At the north pole is an hour circle bearing the inscription “Index Hor: Italic.”