isotropic / ˌaɪ səˈtrɒp ɪk, -ˈtroʊ pɪk /


isotropic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Physics. of equal physical properties along all axes.Compare anisotropic.
  2. Zoology. lacking axes that are predetermined, as in some eggs.


  1. With these there may be a greater or less amount of brown, isotropic glass.
  2. I have hitherto described the geo-electric effect of radial and isotropic organs.
  3. Sometimes the phrases “isotropic tension” and “hydrostatic pressure” are used instead of “uniform” tension or pressure.
  4. The relations between stress and strain in a material which is not isotropic are much more complicated.
  5. For many years the luminiferous medium was identified with the isotropic solid of the theory of elasticity.