isotonic / ˌaɪ səˈtɒn ɪk /


isotonic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also isosmotic. Physical Chemistry. noting or pertaining to solutions characterized by equal osmotic pressure.Compare hypertonic, hypotonic.
  2. Physiology. noting or pertaining to a solution containing the same salt concentration as mammalian blood.noting or pertaining to a muscular contraction in which constant tension continues while the length of the muscle decreases, as during mechanical work.
  3. Music. of or characterized by equal tones.


  1. All nose lotions should be alkaline, and isotonic with the blood plasma.
  2. Normal saline solution is isotonic with the body cells and hence is employed as the vehicle.
  3. It may be objected that segmentation is also produced by a solution which is isotonic with sea water.
  4. The solution is therefore practically isotonic with the stimulated muscle.
  5. Take, for instance, two isotonic solutions, one of salt and another of sugar.