iso-reel / ˈaɪ soʊˌril /


iso-reel 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the exposed film of one or more isolated cameras that is ready for editing.


  1. Boyhood is like watching a twelve season television series reduced to a three-hour highlight reel.
  2. No one was harmed during the filming, but judging by the blooper reel at the end, there were a lot of respawns.
  3. On March 26, Bieber debuted one of the greatest hits on his scandal reel.
  4. It is, on the other hand, a sizzle reel of quotable dialogue.
  5. Reel retraces his life and work with the spirit of curiosity and adventure that drove du Chaillu in the first place.
  6. I've always hed a reel mean feelin' about 'em; I didn't want ter come nigh 'em, nor ter hev 'em come nigh me.
  7. The carnage was awful, and the charging columns halted, staggered, and then began to reel back.
  8. A drunken man would reel from one side to the other until he fell down a cellar trap-door, into the gutter, or into the sea.
  9. Lawrence saw one of his men reel and then fall forward, clutching his horse's neck.
  10. The finished product is delivered to a belt-driven coiling reel on which it is wound.