ironstone / ˈaɪ ərnˌstoʊn /


ironstone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any iron-bearing mineral or rock with siliceous impurities.
  2. Also called ironstone china. a hard white stoneware.


  1. The town-walls are built of flint and concrete bonded with ironstone, and are backed with earth.
  2. Behind, and almost overhanging it, was a great krantz whose smooth ironstone wall glowed like a vast slab of red-hot metal.
  3. The first cargo of ironstone was sent from here in 1836, when the Pickering and Whitby Railway was opened.
  4. Examples of this are chert nodules in limestone; flint nodules in chalk; clay-ironstone balls in shale, &c.
  5. I found the magnetic polarity to be very distinct in some of the ironstone pebbles on these rises.