ipecac / ˈɪp ɪˌkæk /


ipecac 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the dried root of a shrubby South American plant, Cephaelis ipecacuanha, of the madder family.
  2. the plant itself.
  3. a drug consisting of the dried roots of this plant, used as an emetic, purgative, etc., and as the source of emetine.


  1. Acid with the Ipecac, giving them in rotation, a dose every hour.
  2. Six grains of ipecac, operated with sufficient power, and half a grain of calomel would have purged with great violence.
  3. Minnie May did not take kindly to the ipecac but Anne had not brought up three pairs of twins for nothing.
  4. Cinchona supplies us with quinine, while Ipecacuanha produces ipecac, which is an emetic and purgative.
  5. The simplest way is to give the child a teaspoonful of the fresh syrup of ipecac.