intrusion / ɪnˈtru ʒən /


intrusion 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of intruding.
  2. the state of being intruded.
  3. Law. an illegal act of entering, seizing, or taking possession of another's property.a wrongful entry after the determination of a particular estate, made before the remainderman or reversioner has entered.
  4. Geology. emplacement of molten rock in preexisting rock.plutonic rock emplaced in this manner.a process analogous to magmatic intrusion, as the injection of a plug of salt into sedimentary rocks.the matter forced in.

intrusion 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The sounds dipped into the range of human hearing only when a flyby visitor made a quick intrusion.
  2. Even the most focused of stage actors can be rattled by an unexpected intrusion, such as an errant ringtone or overzealous audience murmuring.
  3. On top of this political intrusion, our country’s core health institutions have suffered repeated controversies, reversals, and misinterpretation of evidence, which, in turn, have eroded the public’s confidence.
  4. None of the companies paid the ransom but the conspiracy did cost them because of the intrusion and release of data, federal prosecutor Laura Kathleen Bernstein said.
  5. He shouted about restrictions being intrusions on citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights during a Broward County news conference.
  6. Markets break people out of one kind of intimate intrusion, then involve them in another, in which work tells you who to be.
  7. Now we require safe rooms on steroids, not only protected from physical but technological intrusion.
  8. And while big celebrities loath its intrusion and sloppiness with facts, those chasing fame long to be in its pages.
  9. Joe Barton of Texas, one of the less bright bulbs in Congress, denounced the standard as yet another intrusion.
  10. It was partly the wish for a right to privacy from unwarranted government intrusion that set in motion the American Revolution.
  11. True, in such a case as this, "economic strength" would probably be broken down by the intrusion of physical violence.
  12. Now, the intrusion of a definite, uncontorted memory was evidence of returning cerebral activity.
  13. The caesural pause comes after Ector, which might allow the intrusion of the word of before king.
  14. The ladder still leaning against the wall outside would reveal his intrusion.
  15. It held him on the threshold, unmoved by the rushing assault and lacerating bark of the little dog, who resented his intrusion.