intercolonial / ˌɪn tər kəˈloʊ ni əl /


intercolonial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. between colonies, as of one country.
  2. of or relating to two or more colonies.


  1. In 1894 a second Conference was held at Ottawa, mainly to discuss intercolonial preferential trade.
  2. Negroes were numerous, and an intercolonial traffic in slaves was established.
  3. In 1673 an act was passed which imposed duties on sugar, tobacco, and many other products of intercolonial trade.
  4. It is usually irritating to arrive at the station on time for a train on the Intercolonial Railway.
  5. But will the Colonies accept the idea of a fiscal union of empire, which practically means intercolonial free trade?