inter-american / ˌɪn tər əˈmɛr ɪ kən /


inter-american 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to some or all of the countries of North, Central, and South America.


  1. Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme.
  2. Have you looked around the American Dental Association website for an explanation of how fluoridation actually works?
  3. The best comparison here for an American audience is, well, Internet stuff.
  4. Great American leaders have long contributed profound thoughts of tremendous consequence to the public discourse.
  5. Sadly, it appears the American press often doesn't need any outside help when it comes to censoring themselves.
  6. We prefer the American volume of Hochelaga to the Canadian one, although both are highly interesting.
  7. We can readily see how this might have been, from numerous experiments made with both American and European varieties.
  8. He was in early life a shipcarpenter, and subsequently American consul at Antwerp.
  9. The difficulty of educating handlers of bills in distant places as to American credits.
  10. But you are English, or you are American; and men of those countries never misunderstand a woman, even if she is in trouble.