intelligently / ɪnˈtɛl ɪ dʒənt /


intelligently 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student.
  2. displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment: an intelligent reply.
  3. having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing intelligence: intelligent beings in outer space.
  4. Computers. pertaining to the ability to do data processing locally; smart: An intelligent terminal can edit input before transmission to a host computer.Compare dumb.
  5. Archaic. having understanding or knowledge.

intelligently 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. These animals are intelligent enough to suffer emotionally from this destruction, but not intelligent enough to escape it.
  2. So I think the idea that machines, if they become generally intelligent, needs to be like us is, as you know, is nonsense, is going out the window.
  3. Of course, if your computer makes a recommendation, what you might do, you will think, “OK, some intelligent instance is there helping me.”
  4. If he can’t, then for all practical purposes, the AI is intelligent.
  5. Even before I wrote a word of the book, I was thinking about how the term references how women in tech are treated as not as intelligent as men.
  6. But even then there were signs that he and his team were—in their own intelligently goofy way—chasing down stories.
  7. They reference their article intelligently and obviously are excited by the result.
  8. Each health risk was presented honestly and intelligently with a confidential interval.
  9. Taylor will talk your ear off—quite intelligently—about the hurdles small breweries face in getting their beer into stores.
  10. It is flawlessly crafted, intelligently constructed, strongly acted, and spellbinding.
  11. By this the parties may agree on the disposition and division of their property when this can be done freely and intelligently.
  12. I had a long talk with a chief, who conversed intelligently about their customs in the forest and the number of the tribesmen.
  13. For every "hard case" he relied on the springing up in every union of intelligently directed private charity.
  14. From a common soldier to the highest officer, they were ready to do their work intelligently and enthusiastically.
  15. "The Union had been already established five years," began Salemina intelligently.