insulted / verb ɪnˈsʌlt; noun ˈɪn sʌlt /


insulted3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront.
  2. to affect as an affront; offend or demean.
  3. Archaic. to attack; assault.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. Archaic. to behave with insolent triumph; exult contemptuously.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an insolent or contemptuously rude action or remark; affront.
  2. something having the effect of an affront: That book is an insult to one's intelligence.
  3. Medicine/Medical. an injury or agent that inflicts this.
  4. Archaic. an attack or assault.

insulted 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. We have become a society and a nation of echo chambers, where we gather with fellow like-minded people while making assumptions and hurling insults at “others.”
  2. About how they spoke nicely to him at first, even asking about his medals, before spitting insults at him.
  3. We need to take our politics seriously enough to not be distracted by people’s petty, illegitimate insults and remember that we’re actually fighting for our lives.
  4. Like most humans, Monroe recalled the insult sooner than the compliment.
  5. So it’s a compounding of perceived insults to democratic ideals.
  6. The two sides taunted and insulted each other but with police separating them no violence broke out.
  7. The common denominator in the most violent protests against Western actions has been when Islam had been insulted.
  8. He says the speaker insulted his wife, and most of the charges, including assault on a police officer, were eventually dropped.
  9. And I thought it was time to write in defense of lobbyists, the people who actually are being insulted.
  10. He insulted a female poet of his acquaintance by remarking “that she and her family were Jews.”
  11. Condillac after the marquis's death had refused to pay tithes to Mother Church and has flouted and insulted the Bishop.
  12. I have not heard of a case of any one being personally insulted by an Austrian since I have been in Italy.
  13. "You don't seem to know how to take me," said a vulgar fellow to a gentleman he had insulted.
  14. Americans were frequently insulted, called cowards, and openly menaced by the insurgents.
  15. Luna rushed down the stairs in a furious rage and insulted Captain Janolino in the presence of his troops.