insula 的定义
plural in·su·lae [in-suh-lee, ins-yuh-]. /ˈɪn səˌli, ˈɪns yə-/. Anatomy.
- a group of convolutions situated at the base of the lateral fissure of the brain.
- When the jazz players injected emotion into the notes, they stirred connections among the limbic and paralimbic areas, such as the amygdala and insula.
- An overactive default mode network can predispose to rumination, while aberrant activity in the insula and amygdala can lead to a state of heightened sensitivity and fearfulness.
- Cujus ossa in Reni fluminis insula, ubi in Oceanum prorumpit, reservata sunt et de longinquo venientibus pro miraculo ostenduntur.
- Sancho, to be sure, at last tastes the governorship of his Insula, and Don Quixote on his death-bed recovers his wits.
- Est in insula Oceani Castum nemus, dicatumque in eo vehiculum, veste contectum, attingere uni sacerdoti concessum.
- Totius aperit Insula imperii fores,Ultroque prodit cana mater urbium.
- The insula was a block of buildings several stories high, frequently let out to different families in flats.