insemination [ ĭn-sĕm′ə-nāshən ]


insemination 的定义

    insemination 近义词


    等同于 fertilization


    等同于 conception


    1. Birenbaum-Carmeli has also seen a change in attitude towards artifical insemination.
    2. Kramer, whose son was conceived through donor insemination, established the DSR as a Yahoo!
    3. Lo and behold, Jane Muslim runs to her imam for a faith check on whether she can do artificial insemination or not.
    4. In vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, egg transplants, surrogacy, fallopian Xeroxing—I have no interest.
    5. This week, Bill O'Reilly slammed Jennifer Aniston's new movie about a single woman who undergoes artificial insemination.
    6. Or was he a practitioner of artificial insemination, with a rather unfortunate error to his credit?
    7. Within a few days after insemination, usually in early May, females become actively hostile to males.
    8. Probably, she had arranged for artificial insemination, just to be sure.
    9. Did any of you happen to notice whether they know anything about artificial insemination?
    10. Whether a pill, or aesthetic insemination, will ever make those who desire to be artists become creative is still to be seen.