infusorian / ˌɪn fyʊˈsɔr i ən, -ˈsoʊr- /


infusorian2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of the Infusoria.
adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. This has been shown by the careful experiments of Maupas, who had observed 215 generations of an infusorian without sexual union.
  2. The Infusorian can be called potentially immortal, because of this method of reproduction.
  3. Now the single-celled Infusorian is in many respects comparable with the single-celled germ of the higher animals.
  4. So far as we can see, therefore, everything that the infusorian feels at all, feels to him exactly like everything else.
  5. In fact, the infusorian simply swallows whatever happens to hit his mouth.