infertile / ɪnˈfɜr tl or, especially British, -taɪl /


infertile 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not fertile; unproductive; sterile; barren: infertile soil.

infertile 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

not bearing fruit, young


  1. These studies left out men, older adults and biologically infertile people who nonetheless didn’t want children.
  2. Men and women who become infertile as a result of chemotherapy could also regain their reproductive capabilities.
  3. The foundation, named after her mother, provides financial help to needy families that are infertile.
  4. Dr Guthrie, said that the risk of being left infertile is “very, very low”.
  5. All too often, infertile women are considered cursed, she said.
  6. But most are not lingering in the foster care system because of a shortage of infertile people who want to be parents.
  7. If satisfactory results are to be obtained, the eggs should be fresh and clean and, if possible, infertile.
  8. On the ninth and tenth day the fertile and infertile eggs were of equal number.
  9. While many of the hybrid products of horticulturists are certainly infertile, others appear to be indefinitely fertile.
  10. An infertile egg is clear, that is, shows no signs of development or decay, at every period of incubation.
  11. When the parts are deficient, the flowers are called barren or infertile.