indusium / ɪnˈdu zi əm, -ʒi əm, -ˈdyu- /


indusium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural in·du·si·a [in-doo-zee-uh, -zhee-uh, -dyoo-]. /ɪnˈdu zi ə, -ʒi ə, -ˈdyu-/.

  1. Botany, Mycology. any of several structures having a netlike or skirtlike shape, as the membranous overgrowth covering the sori in ferns.
  2. Anatomy, Zoology. an enveloping layer or membrane.a thin layer of gray matter on the corpus callosum.


  1. The indusium is thin and delicate, composed of sinuous-margined cellules, and is more or less wavy along the free edge.
  2. They are covered by a very slight indusium, which soon falls off.
  3. The indusium arises from a vein to which the sorus is attached.
  4. Thus it is proper to describe the shape of the indusium as peltate.
  5. The sori are narrow, and when young are covered with an indusium.