indoor-outdoor / ˈɪnˌdɔrˈaʊtˌdɔr, ˈɪnˌdoʊrˈaʊtˌdoʊr /


indoor-outdoor 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. designed or constructed to be used either indoors or outdoors: indoor-outdoor carpeting.


  1. Stetson returned east in 1865 and created his own hat company, which produced high-quality hats made for outdoor use.
  2. I watch football, basketball, and hockey on TV and sometimes “The Bass Pros” on Outdoor Channel.
  3. To put that into perspective, indoor lighting is about 100 lux, while a bright, sunny day can hit 50,000 lux or more.
  4. He plants himself on an outdoor couch, stirs Nesquik into a mug, and leans forward.
  5. “Our founder Juliet Lowe knew about outdoor education, for the girls to learn leadership, to work in a group,” says Sheppard.
  6. And now here was Betty proposing another outing that promised to be more fun than any the Outdoor Girls had had yet.
  7. In his leisure moments he goes into politics or theology; he studies or takes outdoor exercise.
  8. We know our way about all right now, and I'm sure we Outdoor Girls never needed anybody to look out for us, anyway.
  9. You seem to forget that you are Outdoor Girls and that we have been in a good many tight places that were almost as bad as this.
  10. Gastric ulcers occur especially in young women, usually in those who follow some indoor occupation.