indican / ˈɪn dɪ kən /


indican 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a glucoside, C14H17NO6, that occurs in plants yielding indigo and from which indigo is obtained.
  2. Biochemistry. indoxyl potassium sulfate, C8H6NO4SK, a component of urine.


  1. Simple constipation and diseases of the large intestine alone do not increase the amount of indican.
  2. Indican is readily extracted from the leaves of various species of indigo plants.
  3. The blue dye, indigo, is derived from a glucoside of an entirely different type, known as indican.
  4. Potassium indoxyl sulphate, or indican, is derived from indol.
  5. Intestinal obstruction gives the largest amounts of indican.