inconvertible / ˌɪn kənˈvɜr tə bəl /


inconvertible 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not capable of being converted into specie.
  2. not interchangeable.


  1. They abhor men as tasteless, dull, and inconvertible, and console themselves with color-bags and blocks of marble.
  2. To all these causes of poverty there was added the hopeless confusion due to an inconvertible paper currency.
  3. But though I despair of ever curing myself of the disposition to criticise, I am not inconvertible.
  4. Mill further says that such inconvertible paper money will act on prices.
  5. Spirits and bodies, he urged, are antithetical and inconvertible, nor can any one save God give spirit a bodily form.