incognita / ˌɪn kɒgˈni tə, ɪnˈkɒg nɪ- /


incognita2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman or girl who is incognita.


  1. Western, central and much of northern Africa are terra incognita.
  2. Here are five books that make the terra slightly less incognita.
  3. Although many thousands know well the district of the Broads, yet to the bulk of people it is still a terra incognita.
  4. We trust Incognita will continue her favors to The Continental.
  5. By the description, Morton guessed she was the fair incognita, and felt disappointed at having lost the interview.
  6. Such theories were possible only when the whole of totemic culture was as yet a terra incognita.
  7. The incognita not only engrossed all his waking thoughts, but she still haunted him in his dreams.