incision / ɪnˈsɪʒ ən /


incision 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cut, gash, or notch.
  2. the act of incising.
  3. a cutting into, especially for surgical purposes.
  4. incisiveness; keenness.

incision 近义词

n. 名词 noun

cut, slit


  1. They must visualize pathways and know where in the body to make an incision before they see their patient on the table.
  2. A precursor to vaccination, inoculation was the direct insertion of pus taken from a smallpox victim into a slight incision on the arm of a healthy person.
  3. Neuralink’s approach would require a physical incision to implant a chip in your brain.
  4. At the moment, Lester’s biggest worry is the incision scar opening while he’s pitching.
  5. That interruption is one of many strong vertical elements in these paintings, but this one is scored with horizontal incisions that suggest the flickering lines that inspired the show’s title — and recall Cortina’s other career.
  6. Slow at first, then steadily, a stream of liquid drips off the incision.
  7. A new procedure for hysterectomies, done via robotic arm via a single incision, results in no scarring and little downtime.
  8. They made a second, shorter incision at the end of the first one.
  9. You have to use the electric scalpel and make a shaky incision on purpose, because palm lines are never completely straight.
  10. That type of incision is rarely performed on large breasts, according to Levine.
  11. The wound after probing looked sufficiently like an ordinary incision to deceive any one.
  12. Lane put his hand into the abdominal incision and squeezed the heart through the diaphragm.
  13. With one incision Balsamo separated the vertebral column a couple of inches from the brain, and opened a yawning gash.
  14. They may be operated on by means of incision or extirpation.
  15. He rejects opening of the head by an incision because of the danger of it.