impactful / ɪmˈpækt fəl /


impactful 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having or manifesting a great impact or effect: After the senator's impactful speech, her bill passed.

impactful 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

having a great effect


  1. That’s why it was as impactful as it was, but it was really overwhelming to have that kind of responsibility.
  2. Create impactful content around local events, trends, movements, and news.
  3. The skills-gap crisis is a global phenomenon, making it critical that we equip the next generation of problem solvers with the training and resources they need to turn great ideas into impactful solutions.
  4. The steps that follow are two of the most impactful steps identified in this SPO series, ones that any ad buyer can take to reap the benefits of a larger supply-path initiative immediately.
  5. We were able to make some pretty impactful adjustments pretty quickly.
  6. Many outlets have received Pulitzer Prizes for less impactful stories.
  7. I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation.
  8. Was there ever a moment when you realized that you had an impactful voice?
  9. Perhaps, with creativity like that demonstrated by Justin Rowe's sculptures, there may be always be an impactful place for print!
  10. But that romantic vision is colliding with reality, and the results are both ugly and impactful.