immersed / ɪˈmɜrst /


immersed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. plunged or sunk in or as if in a liquid.
  2. Biology. somewhat or wholly sunk in the surrounding parts, as an organ.
  3. Botany. growing under water.

immersed 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

deeply involved with


  1. You may gulp it down in one sitting or become immersed when you open up the book to a random chapter.
  2. Privilege can be a hard concept to get a handle on, especially for those who are immersed in it and reaping the benefits.
  3. Then Gilkes immersed himself in the Old Masters at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.
  4. Leto immersed himself in the role completely, slimming down to 116 pounds and refusing to break character on set.
  5. Vand became so immersed in the role that it was hard to let go of the Girl once the time came.
  6. Du Pont would become fully immersed in one field—like birds—before moving on to his next obsession.
  7. Should the vapor not condense well, the test-tube may be immersed in a glass of cold water.
  8. The callous Justice passed on to the next stye, immersed in thought.
  9. Some of the latter were so diaphanous as to be perfectly invisible when immersed in the water.
  10. Besides, he was immersed in military preparations, summoning reinforcements and hurrying up supplies.
  11. The victim said "nine," immersed in his paper again, studying that living room suite.