immaterialism / ˌɪm əˈtɪər i əˌlɪz əm /


immaterialism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the doctrine that there is no material world, but that all things exist only in and for minds.
  2. the doctrine that only immaterial substances or spiritual beings exist.


  1. In this, of course, he is following Hume, though he applies the Johnsonian argument to Berkeley's immaterialism.
  2. At what age of the Christian Church this heresy of immaterialism or masked atheism, crept in, I do not exactly know.
  3. Here we come upon the issue between materialism and immaterialism.
  4. But inasmuch as the notion of metaphysics itself seems to exclude materialism, the vital alternative is that of immaterialism.
  5. Show the close relationship between atheism and immaterialism.