ilium / ˈɪl i əm /


ilium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural il·i·a [il-ee-uh]. /ˈɪl i ə/. Anatomy.

  1. the broad, upper portion of either hipbone.


  1. It not improbably represents the tutelary goddess of Ilium, whose temple, as we know, stood in the Pergamus.
  2. It evidently belongs to a much later age, but was in any case built long before the arrival of the Greek colony in Ilium.
  3. It is very probable that a similar reception awaited Antiochus I. in Ilium, so that he kept the city in good remembrance.
  4. He now places the final destruction of Ilium in the fourth century, on the evidence of the latest coins found there.
  5. The corporal said that this monster was Helen gazing out to sea from the topless towers of Ilium.