ideogram / ˈɪd i əˌgræm, ˈaɪ di- /


ideogram 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a written symbol that represents an idea or object directly rather than a particular word or speech sound, as a Chinese character.
  2. a written symbol, as 7, =, or &; a logogram.


  1. As Norah heads inland she will come across various symbols and ideograms on the surfaces of walls and objects which she’ll jot down in a notebook.
  2. The common Sumerian ideogram for the name of the Tigris is al-al, an intensified form of al, which means “running” or “rushing”.
  3. An-na, ideogram for the god of heaven, plus phonetic complement.
  4. H” gives us a picture of a reed, the late cuneiform character being the ideogram for “kanu” which means a “reed.
  5. Applied to a settlement, the ideogram would be the equivalent of our 'Fishtown.'
  6. Further evidence to the same effect is given by the ancient writing, in which the ideogram for king was a star.