ick / ɪk /


ick 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection


  1. In the end, the reason that Anthony Weiner is unlikely to survive the sexting scandal comes down to what I call the ick factor.
  2. Except that the ick factor keeps rising, along with the humiliation level for the embattled Democrat.
  3. Luckiest man in America this week: the previous ick factor champion, John Edwards.
  4. Um, well, to avoid the ick factor let's believe he meant he put his career ahead of his marriage.
  5. Slaet up den tromele, van ick sal come up to de camerken, wan my new wineken slaet up den tromele, van ick sal come.
  6. Mynheer, Ick wet neat watt hey xacht, Ick universton ewe neaty sacramant!
  7. Now ick sall revange; hay, begar, me sal tartar de whole generation!
  8. By me fait, dis bin very fine langage; ick sall bush ye now; ha, be garzon, vare had you dat plate?
  9. Verie vel, give monies to some fellow to squire me; ick sal go abroad.
扩展阅读 ick

What does ick mean?

Ick is used to show disgust or repugnance, as in Ick! That’s so gross. As a noun phrase, the ick is also an informal term for sickness or other queasy feelings.

How is ick pronounced?

[ ik ]

What are some other forms of ick?

  • icky
  • the ick
  • ick factor