i-spin / ˈaɪˌspɪn /


i-spin 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. The effort to sterilize his image first began when Epstein hired Los Angeles-based spin doctors Sitrick Co.
  2. Although he brings a Western spin to things, he seems equally inspired by the local sense of style.
  3. Spin control began, Florida-style: the opinion only covers some counties, some people, some times.
  4. David Greenberg at Rutgers University has a book coming out next year on political spin.
  5. Aaron Paul may play a young Han Solo in the first Star Wars spin-off.
  6. James I. sent forth his famous "Counterblast" and in the strongest manner condemned its use.
  7. Clinical study of the blood may be discussed under the following heads: I. Hemoglobin.
  8. You can probably realize just how headquarters would take the sort of yarn we'd spin if we dashed in and told them the truth.
  9. The reader wishes to infallibly remember that the date of the beheading of Charles I. was 1649.
  10. As for the slipperiness of the ground, my opponent will run no greater risks than I. I am not the only impatient one.